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Here we summarize the knowledge you've gained over the previous modules with a 5-minute conversation with John Richards, Co-Director of NCEMCH and W. Oscar Fleming, lead of the Evidence-based Decision Making core for the National MCH Workforce Development Center. In this conversation, Mr. Fleming answers questions that you have submitted throughout the module.
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About Our Speaker
W. Oscar Fleming, MSPH, DrPH Candidate, is based at the National Implementation Research Network at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and leads the Evidence-based Decision Making core for the National MCH Workforce Development Center. Oscar has worked on community, maternal and child health programs in the US and globally over 20 years. His areas of interest include applied implementation science, technical assistance and capacity building, and systems change, all in serve to improved well-being of children, families and communities. He is currently working to complete a Doctorate in Health Leadership at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
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