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MCHnow: Advancing MCH Leadership Skills

MCHnow: Advancing MCH Leadership Skills

MCH Leadership Competency 5: COMMUNICATION



Communication: Building Bridges for Better MCH Outcomes...

Imagine you’re presenting critical maternal health data to different audiences in the same day - first to a room of policymakers, then healthcare providers, and finally community members. How do you transform complex statistics into compelling stories? When do you use technical language versus plain language? How do you ensure your message not only reaches each audience but moves them to action? This is where effective communication becomes your essential tool – not just for sharing information, but for creating real understanding and impact.

Communication in MCH is like being both a translator and a bridge builder. It means carefully crafting messages that connect data with meaning, science with stories, and evidence with action. When an MCH leader communicates effectively, they don't just ask "What do I need to say?" but rather "How will this advance our goals? What context will help this resonate? How can I make this information both accessible and actionable? Which channels will reach my audience most effectively?" This thoughtful, audience-centered approach transforms complex health information into clear, meaningful messages that drive positive change.

Through MCHnow's Ready-Set-Go approach, you'll develop the strategic communication skills essential for modern MCH leadership. Our carefully chosen resources will help strengthen your message development, presentation techniques, and engagement strategies. Whether you're sharing data, building partnerships, or advocating for change, these communication tools will enhance your ability to connect effectively and create lasting impact for MCH populations.

READY: Develop Effective Communication Skills in MCH

Watch this short video to gain an introduction to the competency.

Read more. The Communication competency emphasizes the importance of clear, effective information sharing across various channels and audiences. This essential skill enables MCH leaders to influence health behaviors, build relationships, and improve health outcomes for diverse populations.

For MCH leaders, effective communication is crucial for:

As MCH leaders, strengthening our communication skills enables us to:

Core knowledge areas include:

SET: Expand your Knowledge with Trainings and Resources

Deepen your understanding of Communication with these trainings and resources:

GO: Apply Your Knowledge with Practical Tools

Use these tools to enhance your Communication skills in MCH leadership:

  1. Health Communication Playbook: A practical guide from CDC offering step-by-step instructions and templates for creating effective health materials, from fact sheets to presentations, with real-world examples and models.
  2. Communication Styles Matrix: A reference matrix outlining how different aspects of communication - including tone, eye contact, expressiveness, and context - vary across cultural groups, with specific examples to guide cross-cultural interactions.
  3. Health Literacy Checklist: A comprehensive guide for reviewing health materials, focusing on clear writing, content display, organization, and user engagement to ensure materials are accessible and actionable.
  4. Communication Style Assessment: A brief interactive quiz to identify whether you tend to have a passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, or assertive communication style, offering strategies to build on your strengths and enhance your effectiveness.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.