Access trainings by the type of learning that matches your need:

Self Directed: Know what you want to learn?

Looking for some assistance to help you find what you're looking for?
MCHfast Guided Search

Still looking or need assistance? You can always ask for Help.

Semi-Structured: Looking for trainings grouped according to your need?

Self-Reflective. Not sure of your learning needs? Take the online Self-Assessment.

Fast & Focused. Want to learn on the go? Sign up for one of our Micro-learning programs.

Intense & Immersive. Looking for a comprehensive course that covers everything? Access the MCHsmart curriculum - Coming Soon.

Focus Areas. Need specialized resources?



Stay Current


Learning is often easier when the learner is connected to a wider community. The MCH Navigator provides different avenues to stay connected with new learning opportunities and to colleagues in the MCH community:

MCHalert. Subscribe to the quarterly MCHalert that provides timely reference to critical learning opportunities, information on health transformation, research findings, policy developments, recently released publications, new programs, and MCH initiatives.

Learning Programs. Sign up to receive our microlearning programs, such as MCHnow and MCHwork.

Brochures to Share. Information on the Navigator website and programs to distribute to staff

Learning Collaborative. Connect with the MCH Navigator, mentors, and other learners in the MCH workforce through social media (Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn), by asking questions and sharing comments about specific trainings, and providing feedback on learning opportunities and training products. Also learn collaboratively with our Micro-Learning programs.

Navigator in the News. Read what's new and noteworthy with the MCH Navigator staff, including: multimedia news, awards, publications, and upcoming conferences that we'll be attending.

Training Calendar. This calendar provides access to emerging (yet unvetted) learning opportunities. Check back often to see what trainings are available in real time. Or join us on Twitter to receive announcements about these trainings.


Contact and Comments

The MCH Navigator invites you to contact us and to begin a conversation about the learning opportunities we have collected. We are here to answer questions about the materials collected on this website, how we support the MCH workforce, and how we can assist your training needs:

Contact Us. Have a question, need assistance with trainings, or want to discuss how we might work with you to address needs in the workforce? Contact us via email.

Feedback. Comment on new learning opportunities that are in our database or our training products. We welcome feedback, questions, notices about broken links, and your experience as an online learner.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.