Title of Syllabus/Educational Resource | Instructor/Contact | Institution/Organization | Format | Level |
Abating Maternal Mortality | Teresa Wagner | University of North Texas Health Science Center | Teaching Cases | All |
Beauty & the Breast: Mobilizing Community Action to Take on the Beauty Industry | Bryn Austin | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health | Teaching Cases | Graduate or Undergraduate |
Coloring the Narrative: How to use Storytelling to Create Social Change in Skin Tone Ideals | Bryn Austin | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health | Teaching Cases | Graduate or Undergraduate |
Conducting Public Health Surveillance & Communicating Data in MCH | Marie Thoma | University of Maryland | Teaching Cases | All |
Some Skin in the Game: Negotiating the End of a Campus Health Menace | Bryn Austin | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health | Teaching Cases | Graduate or Undergraduate |
Who’s Calling Me Fat? Or, How Columbia Got Its Obesity Prevention Campaign Back on Track | Bryn Austin | Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health | Teaching Cases | Graduate or Undergraduate |
Writing Skills: Translating Research for Policy & Practice | Marjory Ruderman | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Seminar | All |