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5-Minute MCH: Module 3.3

5-Minute MCH: Module 3.3


Module 3.3: 5 Implementation Strategies

In this module we will augment the knowledge you've gained from the last module's learning opportunities by providing you with 5 implementation strategies gathered from our team of experts.

These implementation strategies follow a conceptual model of widening circles of influence. In this model, MCH leaders utilize resources and tools to activate change within their organization, which in turn incorporates partners through its systems of influence. Together, changes may be implemented to affect specific target populations and the MCH community in general.

Implementation ModelModel for Public Health Competency Implementation

Click below to: Learn more with our 5 implementation strategies, Comment on this module's strategies, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking the 5-Minute MCH program.



These 5 implementation strategies align with the 5 circles of the Model for Public Health Competency Implementation, and represent ways that you can utilize what you've learned over the past few modules. In particular, we have included resources and strategies to align your work with the transformation of the MCH Block Grant.

  1. How to Advance Yourself as an MCH Leader (Self-Reflection Strategy). Identify your own personal strengths and areas of growth related to Competency 3: Ethics and Professionalism, by taking 5 minutes to register/log-in and answer questions related to this competency in the MCH Navigator's online Self-Assessment.
  2. How to Find and Use Tools to Help You (Information Strategy). Access the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health's Ethics and Professionalism professional resource brief. Contents include a brochureand poster the principles of and skills for the Ethical Practice of Public Health (also known as the Code of Ethics).
  3. How to Activate Your Organization (Organizational Strategy). Consider reading National Association of County and City Health Officials' (NACCHOs') new report and fact sheet about building an ethics infrastructure in local health departments (LHDs). Has your LHD implemented an ethics committee? Talk to colleagues about how you can work together to respond effectively to public health ethics issues and promote the importance of public health ethics in your organization. [Note: You will need to register on NACCHO's website to download the publications (free).]
  4. How to Incorporate Partners (Systems Strategy). View the National Conference of State Legislatures' Ethics: Links to State’s Online Ethics Training Programs, Training Manuals, and Slide Presentations to find resources available for and from your state partners. Or, read this article abstract and learn how the Kansas Legislative Health Academy is helping legislators develop new skills to deliberate the ethics of health policy and use systems-thinking to understand the effects of policy action and inaction.
  5. How to Engage Your Communities. Are you interested in helping others better understand the ethical implications of health disparities within MCH populations? Check out these infographics from San Francisco State University's Health Equity Institute. Topics include a Health Equity Framework, What Are Health Inequities, What Are Health Disparities, What Affects Health Equity, Health Equity And Neighborhoods, and The Path to Achieving Health Equity.

If you experience any technical difficulties with any page in the 5-Minute MCH Program, please email us.


Comment on the Implementation Strategies...

Please share your thoughts on ways to implement this competency in your daily work by telling us how you plan to incorporate these strategies into your work, asking questions about how others actualize this competency, or suggesting new strategies focused on this competency.

Click for Discussion Form

If you can't see/access the form above, please email comments to [email protected].


See What Others are Saying...

Tell us how you will use what you have learned:

  • "The inclusion of infographics is a real treat. I find them useful to quickly describe complex concepts to our families. It's nice to see them used for professionals in this way. They take even less than five minutes to absorb."
  • "NACCHO resources are great; wish there was an easier way to access them."
  • "The resource brief is a nice way to make this learning real with tools in the field we can access."
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.