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5-Minute MCH: Module 2.2

5-Minute MCH: Module 2.2


Module 2.2: 5 Learning Opportunities

This module builds on what we learned about self-reflection by introducing you to 5 learning opportunities from the MCH Navigator catalog. These learning opportunities at first may seem to focus on many disperse topics, but all provide training on aspects of self-reflection.

Click below to: Learn more with our 5 learning opportunities, Comment on this module's trainings, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking the 5-Minute MCH program.


These 5 learning opportunities represent some of the most relevant and/or recent online trainings in the field and have been chosen based on their ease of access, focus, brevity, and their integration with principles necessary to advance the transformation of the MCH Block Grant. Trainings have been identified by MCH Navigator staff and further vetted by a group of MCH experts in the states and in academic settings.

Take one or all of the trainings to sharpen your knowledge and skills, either individually or with your colleagues as a team-building exercise.

  1. YouTube Self-Reflection Videos. Date Developed: 2015. Source: Capture Your Flag. Presenter(s): Various. Type: Video.Level: Introductory. Length: 1.5 to 5 minutes each. Video segments from Capture Your Flag interviewees discussing how reflecting on the past has helped them plan for the future. Capture Your Flag interviews tomorrow's leaders today to provide a more approachable way early- to mid-career professionals can build aspirational careers. Interviews are edited into short segments by question. Topics/videos include How Reflection Informs Personal GrowthHow Reflecting Helps You Plan for the FutureHow Reflection Informs Manager Career Growth, and others.
  2. Tapping Into Your Leadership Potential (Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Leadership Skills Development Series Module 1). Date Developed: 2008. Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center. Presenter(s): Ben Lozare, PhD. Type: Online Course Video. Level: Introductory. 
  3. Diversity Leadership: A Strategic Approach. Date Developed: Unknown. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Marty Martin, PsyD. Type: Online Course. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Format: Self-paced. Troubleshooting Tips for South Central Public Health Partnership Courses
  4. Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness. Date Developed: Unknown. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.Presenter(s): Sue Ann Sarpy, PhD. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Format: Self-paced. Troubleshooting Tips for South Central Public Health Partnership Courses
  5. Mentoring and Coaching. Date Developed: 2011. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Louis Rowitz, PhD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation Podcast. Level: Intermediate. Length: 120 minutes. Troubleshooting Tips for South Central Public Health Partnership Courses

If you experience any technical difficulties with any page in the 5-Minute MCH Program, please email us.


Comment on the Learning Opportunities...

You can share your learning experiences with others who have taken the same trainings by entering your comments here. Tell us how you will use what you have learned, ask questions about the trainings, or suggest additional trainings that can be used by others to support learning in this competency.

Click for Discussion Form

If you can't see/access the form above, please email comments to [email protected].


See What Others are Saying...

  • "I really enjoyed the capture your flag videos. They were short, so I could watch one when I had a couple of minutes and they were very inspiring. The videos seemed to inspire working with a more positive frame of mind."
  • "These links were great; they made the competency easy to understand and act upon. Self-reflection makes a lot more sense to me now."
  • "I have bookmarked these trainings to look at over the coming weeks."
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.