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5-Minute MCH: Module 11.3

5-Minute MCH: Module 11.3

Working with Communities and Systems

Module 11.3: 5 Implementation Strategies

In this module we will augment the knowledge you've gained from the last module's learning opportunities by providing you with 5 implementation strategies gathered from our team of experts.

These implementation strategies follow a conceptual model of widening circles of influence. In this model, MCH leaders utilize resources and tools to activate change within their organization, which in turn incorporates partners through its systems of influence. Together, changes may be implemented to affect specific target populations and the MCH community in general.

Implementation ModelModel for Public Health Competency Implementation

Click below to: Learn more with our 5 implementation strategies, Comment on this module's strategies, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking the 5-Minute MCH program.


These 5 implementation strategies align with the 5 circles of the Model for Public Health Competency Implementation, and represent ways that you can utilize what you've learned over the past few modules. In particular, we have included resources and strategies to align your work with the transformation of the MCH Block Grant.

  1. How to Advance Yourself as an MCH Leader (Self-Reflection Strategy). Identify your personal strengths and areas of growth by taking 5 minutes to register/log-in to the MCH Navigator's Self-Assessment and answer questions related to Competency 11: Working with Communities and Systems.
  2. How to Find and Use Tools to Help You (Information Strategy). Check out the CDC’s Community Health Improvement (CHI) Navigator and invest in your community!  The CHI Navigator is a website for people who lead or participate in CHI work within hospitals and health systems, public health agencies, and other community organizations.  It is an excellent source for learning about establishing and maintaining effective collaborations within communities and identifying targeted tools that support success at every step of the CHI process.
    Do you take part in work involving your community? Access the CHI Navigator to help you identify interventions to address socioeconomic factors, physical environment, health behaviors and clinical care. 
  3. How to Activate Your Organization (Organizational Strategy). Leverage the resources of your colleagues and organization by reviewing Contra Costa Health Services' Ladder of Commuty Participation for approaches to engage communities around both traditional and emerging issues. It can be used as a tool for internal dialogue as programs are being planned, and may be particularly helpful as a trigger for discussions about which strategies to use, and how to manage expectations, clarify roles and delineate responsibilities. It can also be a useful framework for discussion with community partners about how to maximize their participation and to jointly determine which strategies will be most suitable to achieve a particular public health goal.
  4. How to Incorporate Partners (Systems Strategy). How can Title V professionals identify and monitor improvements to MCH outcomes resulting from health system transformation?  A planning tool and guided practice was developed in partnership with the National MCH Workforce Development Center for MCH professionals to help answer this question. Leading through Health System Change: A Public Health Opportunity was specifically designed to assist state and territorial Title V agencies as they plan and implement health programs in an environment of health system transformation.  The tool has two key components. The first is a five step planning process which is essential in helping MCH professionals focus on the actions that lead to innovation and strategic thinking. The second key component helps professionals learn the distinction between technical vs. adaptive challenges and how to implement an adaptive problem-solving approach that leads to solutions.

    Check out this extensive self-paced module to continue strengthening your knowledge on advancing health reform implementation.

  5. How to Engage Your Communities. Working with communities and systems requires detailed planning before it can be translated into impactful work conducted over time, but how do you start your planning process? Use the topics in CityMatCH's Strategic Work Plan as a guide to help plan your interactions with the communities you serve. You can learn more about each topic by using the Navigator's training brief, Learning Opportunities for the Title V Workforce in Communities and at the Local Level. Then fill out this Planning Form with ideas of how you will work with communities to address topics highlighted by CityMatCH.

If you experience any technical difficulties with any page in the 5-Minute MCH Program, please email us.


Comment on the Implementation Strategies...

Please share your thoughts on ways to implement this competency in your daily work by telling us how you plan to incorporate these strategies into your work, asking questions about how others actualize this competency, or suggesting new strategies focused on this competency.

Click for Discussion Form

If you can't see/access the form above, please email comments to [email protected].


See What Others are Saying...

Tell us how you will use what you have learned:

  • "Good to include the interactive set-up and tool in strategy 5. Having a worksheet is a great way to engage staff and make them put down in words what they're thinking. That helps with making thoughts a reality."
  • "CDC's Navigators are a great resource. I'm glad to see them appear here."
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.