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5-Minute MCH: Module 10.3

5-Minute MCH: Module 10.3

Interdisciplinary / Interprofessional Team Building

Module 10.3: 5 Implementation Strategies

In this module we will augment the knowledge you've gained from the last module's learning opportunities by providing you with 5 implementation strategies gathered from our team of experts.

These implementation strategies follow a conceptual model of widening circles of influence. In this model, MCH leaders utilize resources and tools to activate change within their organization, which in turn incorporates partners through its systems of influence. Together, changes may be implemented to affect specific target populations and the MCH community in general.

Implementation ModelModel for Public Health Competency Implementation

Click below to: Learn more with our 5 implementation strategies, Comment on this module's strategies, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking the 5-Minute MCH program.


These 5 implementation strategies align with the 5 circles of the Model for Public Health Competency Implementation, and represent ways that you can utilize what you've learned over the past few modules. In particular, we have included resources and strategies to align your work with the transformation of the MCH Block Grant.

  1. How to Advance Yourself as an MCH Leader (Self-Reflection Strategy). Identify your personal strengths and areas of growth by taking 5 minutes to register/log-in to the MCH Navigator's Self-Assessment and answer questions related to Competency 10: Interdisciplinary Team Building.
  2. How to Find and Use Tools to Help You (Information Strategy). The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, housed at the University of Minnesota, leads, coordinates, and studies the advancement of collaborative, team-based health professions education and patient care as an efficient model for improving quality, outcomes, and cost. It is a public-private partnership with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and three private foundations. You can assess your understanding of interprofessional collaboration and practice in different settings with the Center's curated collection of measurement instruments (click on the search box to be able to click on options and then scroll down the page to access relevant instruments) and get ideas for supporting your interprofessional teams through their review of the literature.
  3. How to Activate Your Organization (Organizational Strategy). The guiding principles, practices, and case examples described in this report funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation describes ways to address and overcome many of the historical barriers to interprofessional collaboration. TeamSTEPPS®materials and training curricula present ways to integrate teamwork principles into a variety of settings. Evaluation materials are also available to measure success. Select a lesson topic and use the video, agenda, and debrief worksheet to conduct an exercise and lead a discussion with your staff.
  4. How to Incorporate Partners (Systems Strategy). Youth Transition as an Example of Interprofessional Team Building: As youth leave school, they face several transitions including school to work or postsecondary education, family home to community living, and child-oriented health care to adult care. The range of possible activities and supports required for successful transition requires collaboration and support from many adult-serving agencies and systems. Have you made transition planning a priority in your state or community? If so, do your transition planning strategies include interagency collaboration and/or interprofessional training? For suggestions on refining or updating state objectives and strategies, check out this report from the Center for Health Care Transition Improvement (GotTransition?). A tip sheet on transition coding and reimbursement is also available.
  5. How to Engage Your Communities. The Kansas Initiative for Developmental Ongoing Screening (KIDOS) provides guidance and resources to communities seeking to examine and improve developmental screening child find and referral systems. KIDOS recognizes that shared leadership does not occur spontaneously. Rather, it is an emergent process that can be fostered by intentional choices made by a team regarding how to communicate, resolve conflict, and make decisions. Consider the dynamics of your team in reference to these questions when you are working outside your group in the wider community. Discuss the questions as a group, identify areas in need of improvement, and discuss actions that might encourage progress in those areas. Periodically revisit these questions in order to assess your team's movement toward establishing shared leadership.

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Comment on the Implementation Strategies...

Please share your thoughts on ways to implement this competency in your daily work by telling us how you plan to incorporate these strategies into your work, asking questions about how others actualize this competency, or suggesting new strategies focused on this competency.

Click for Discussion Form

If you can't see/access the form above, please email comments to [email protected].


See What Others are Saying...

Tell us how you will use what you have learned:

  • "Thanks for including KIDOS as an example of how to implement teambuilding. We are quite proud of the program and are happy to see the resources spread."
  • "It's true that a good team makes all the difference when working with families. Just the ability to recognize the strengths on a team goes a long way into recognizing our strengths."
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.