Interdisciplinary / Interprofessional Team Building
Module 10.2: 5 Learning Opportunities
This module builds on what we learned about MCH Leadership Competencies 1-9 by introducing you to 5 learning opportunities about Competency 10: Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Team Building from the MCH Navigator catalog.
Click below to: Learn more with our 5 learning opportunities, Comment on this module's trainings, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking the 5-Minute MCH program.
These 5 learning opportunities represent some of the most relevant and/or recent online trainings in the field and have been chosen based on their ease of access, focus, brevity, and their integration with principles necessary to advance the transformation of the MCH Block Grant. Trainings have been identified by MCH Navigator staff and further vetted by a group of MCH experts in the states and in academic settings.
Take one or all of the trainings to sharpen your knowledge and skills, either individually or with your colleagues as a team-building exercise.
- Creating Innovative Cultures. Year Developed: 2011. Source: Maternal & Child Health Public Health Leadership Institute.Presenter(s): Claudia Fernandez, PhD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Introductory. Length: 25 minutes.
- Peer Coaching. Year Developed: 2011. Source: Maternal & Child Health Public Health Leadership Institute. Presenter(s):Claudia Fernandez, PhD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Introductory. Length: 15 minutes.
Leading by Convening. Year Developed: 2018. Source: National Center for Systemic Improvement. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar Series. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: Series; various lengths.
- Building Bridges Across the Professions: Promoting Successful Intraprofessional Collaborations. Year Developed: 2011. Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Presenter(s): Jaime Lester, PhD. Type: Video Lecture. Level:Advanced. Length: 108 minutes. Listing of all courses
- Build a Tower, Build a Team. Year Developed: 2010. Source: TED Talks. Presenter(s): Tom Wujec. Type: Video Lecture.Level: Introductory. Length: 7 minutes.
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Comment on the Learning Opportunities...
Share your learning experiences with others here. Explain how you will use what you have learned, ask questions about the trainings, or suggest additional trainings.
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See What Others are Saying...
- "I like the format of the Ted Talks. It would be great if you could include more learning opportunities like that. It's really engaging, and I actually want to watch more."
- "The short trainings really help. I don't have enough time to watch much more than that during any regular work day."